Rosie Goodwin

Rosie Goodwin

Digital Marketing Appentice

About Me

As a Digital Marketing Apprentice at Heritage PS, Rosie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With a distinction earned in a level 3 Digital Marketing apprenticeship, she has a solid understanding of the various components that make up efficient marketing, including coding, analytics, and running successful marketing campaigns.

In her role as an Apprentice, Rosie provides valuable support for both clients and candidates, utilising her marketing knowledge to benefit the business. Currently pursuing a level 4 Marketing Executive apprenticeship, she is continuously expanding her understanding of the marketing field and how this can enhance her ability to deliver exceptional results.

Rosie acts as an apprentice ambassador for multiple organizations and regularly provides insight into her apprenticeship and the benefits of apprenticeships through the many events and initiatives Heritage PS attends and exhibits.

Contact Rosie Goodwin

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