09. 05. 2024

The Power of Post Interview Emails

In the competitive landscape of today's job market, every detail of your job search process can make a huge difference. One overlooked aspect is the post-interview thank you email.

In our latest blog, we'll take a look at the importance of sending an email after attending an interview and why it can be a valuable asset in the job application process.


When should I send a thank you email after an interview?

We recommend sending your email 24 hours after concluding your interview. If you wait too long you may create an impression that you are disinterested, making it harder for the interviewer to recall their conversation with you. There are a few important exceptions that you should keep in mind.

You need to first delay sending your email by a few hours, allowing the impression you made through the interview to settle in before reappearing in the interviewer's inbox can be massively beneficial. it's secondly advisable to avoid sending your thank you email over the weekend as interviewers won't regularly check their inbox during this time as by Monday morning your message will be buried.

Here is when we advise you to send your thank you email:

  • If the interview took place at the end of business hours on Friday, wait until Monday morning to send your thank you email.

  • If the interview took place in the morning or early afternoon on a Friday, send your email before the end of the business day.

  • To speed up the process, create a draft of your email before the interview and save it. This way after your interview you can make modifications to personalise the message, edit it carefully and send it in a quicker timeframe.


How can I differentiate my email from the other candidates?

To make your email stand out from the crowd, customise your message by referencing specific points discussed during the interview. Despite having limited s[ace, it is important to be concise and impactful in your email.

Think about writing like this in your email:

  • "Expressing gratitude for our discussion on X during the interview. I found [specific detail or insight] captivating to delve into."

  • "I found the company's approach to X, as discussed in our conversation, quite intriguing. It truly reflects the innovative mindset within the organisation."

If you recall and mention specific conversation points, you not only help the interviewer remember your conversation, but you demonstrate your genuine interest and engagement. You can highlight challenges or situations you referenced in the interview, showcasing how enthusiastic you are to tackle them in the role.

By tailoring your message to specific details talked about during the interview, you leave a lasting impression on the interviewer, reinforcing your active listening skills and showcasing your passion and interest in the role.


The importance of sending a thank you email

Sending a thank you email post-interview isn't just a polite gesture. It's a strategic move that will set you apart from other candidates applying for the same position. Gratitude goes a long in ensuring you leave a positive impression, as well as showcasing professionalism and appreciation for the opportunity.


Strengthen Your Interest

Crafting a thoughtful thank-you email provides an opportunity to reaffirm your interest in the position. Take this chance to remind the interviewer why you're the ideal candidate by referencing particular aspects of the interview or the company that resonated with you. Not only does this reinforce your enthusiasm, but it also showcases your attentiveness during the interview process.


Address Any Missing Points

Reflecting on the interview, did you feel there were points you didn't cover adequately or questions you wish you had answered differently? Your thank-you email offers a chance to revisit any missed opportunities or provide clarification succinctly and respectfully, ensuring your message is well-received.

Highlight Your Communication Skills

View your thank-you email as a sample of your written communication prowess, as employers often take note. Use it to exhibit your professionalism, attention to detail, and ability to express yourself clearly and effectively.


Timing Is Key

Sending your thank-you email promptly, preferably within 24 hours of the interview, underscores your eagerness and punctuality—qualities highly valued by employers. Additionally, it's a courteous gesture that helps keep you at the forefront of the interviewer's mind.


Personalise Each Message

Avoid the temptation to send generic thank-you emails to all interviewers or companies. Personalisation is crucial. Address the recipient by name, incorporate specific details from the interview, and emphasise why you're convinced you're an excellent match for both the role and the organisation.


Keep It Brief

While expressing gratitude and enthusiasm is important, aim to keep your email concise. Lengthy emails can overwhelm recipients. A brief, well-structured message is more likely to be read and appreciated.

Don't overlook the importance of sending a thank-you email post-interview. It's not merely a formality but a strategic step that can significantly increase your prospects of securing the job. This email serves as a platform to convey your appreciation, reaffirm your enthusiasm, rectify any overlooked points, and highlight your communication abilities. Ensure each message is personalised and dispatched promptly.