16. 04. 2024

Your health matters: Managing stress effectively.

Modern life can come with its challenges and opportunities, however, stress can sometimes come along and feel like an unwelcome companion. Different contributing factors to stress can be deadlines up and coming at work, juggling responsibilities in families, or just the challenge of keeping up with the fast-paced nature of life, stress can creep in and affect us in different ways.

Understanding the risks that are associated with stress and learning effective strategies can assist you in significantly improving your overall well-being. In our latest blog, we delve into navigating stress effectively.


How to understand the risks of stress

In moderate amounts, stress is a natural response to allow us to navigate challenges and stay focused. When stress becomes chronic, or overwhelming, it can have a detrimental effect on both your physical and mental health. Effects can involve increased blood pressure, a weakened immune function heightened anxiety and depression.


Chronic stress can show in many ways, including:

  • Physically - Headaches, muscle tension, fatigue and gastrointestinal issues.

  • Emotionally - Stress can take a toll on your emotional well-being, making you more irritable, mood wings and feeling overwhelmed or sad.

  • Cognitive impairment - Prolonged stress can impair cognitive function, resulting in difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or thinking clearly.

  • Behavioural - Due to stress, some people turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating, substance abuse or withdrawing from social interactions.


Managing stress daily

There are various strategies you can employ to manage your stress effectively to cultivate a sense of balance in your life. This can be done by:

  • Making self-care a priority - Ensure that self-care is a non-negotiable part of your routine. Self-care can look like getting a good night's sleep, eating nourishing foods, keeping hydrated and exercising regularly.

  • Mindfulness practice - By inputting mindfulness practices into your daily life you can help to cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce your stress levels. This can be done through meditation, deep breathing exercises, and taking short breaks to check in with yourself. Practising mindfulness is powerful in helping you to manage your stress levels.

  • Setting boundaries - Saying no to tasks or commitments that exceed your capacity or compromise your well-being is essential in being able to protect your time and energy.

  • Connect with people - Ensure you are nurturing your relationships with friends and family. By having a support network around you can fight against stress and offer valuable perspectives during difficult times.

  • Ask for support - It is important to reach out for professional support if you are struggling to cope with stress. Professional support can be done through therapy, counselling or support groups, there are tons of resources available to help you navigate challenging emotions and situations.

  • Engaging in hobbies - Making time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy can help relieve the stress you are battling with.


Managing stress isn't about getting rid of it entirely, but more so finding healthier ways to cope and build resilience in the face of challenges. By ensuring self-care takes priority in your life, connecting with people in your life and setting boundaries, you can navigate stress better and come out stronger.


Where can I get support?

There are various avenues for support available. Initially, discussing your experiences with your general practitioner (GP) is a recommended starting point. They can direct you towards specialists and organisations capable of offering assistance.


  • Every Mind Matters - Supported by the Mental Health Foundation, the Every Mind Matters stress resource offers guidance on managing stress.
  • Anxiety UK - Operates a helpline staffed by volunteers who have personal experience with anxiety.
  • Citizens Advice - Offers free, impartial, and confidential advice for various issues, along with information on rights and responsibilities.
  • StepChange - Provides assistance and information for individuals facing a variety of debt problems.
  • Samaritans - Provides confidential emotional support around the clock.
  • Specialist mental health services - Offer a range of treatments, including counselling and other talking therapies, often coordinated by a community mental health team (CMHT) based in hospitals or local community mental health centres.


Prioritising stress management enables individuals to cultivate resilience, cope effectively with challenges, and maintain a positive outlook on life. By taking steps to manage stress, individuals can enhance their relationships, boost their energy levels, and increase their ability to handle the demands of daily life.