30. 11. 2023

Unwrapping Opportunities: Why you shouldn’t stop your job hunt over Christmas

As the festive season jingles its way in, you might be tempted to hit the pause button on your job hunt, thinking companies are in holiday hibernation. Well, hold on! December is no time to snooze on your career dreams. In this blog post, let's debunk some common myths that might be putting your job search on ice and unwrap the glittering opportunities that December has in store. Additionally, we'll provide you with tips to navigate the job market over Christmas and share why teaming up with Heritage PS can be the perfect solution to elevate your job search during the holiday season.

Debunking the Myths:

Myth 1: Companies Hibernate in December

Some believe that companies are in full hibernation mode, but the reality is that December can be a strategic time for budget-savvy businesses looking to hire before the year's curtain call.

Myth 2: Recruiters Are on Vacation

The image of recruiters sunbathing on a tropical island is an exaggeration. In truth, many are still at their desks, wrapping up projects, and eager to connect with job seekers who stand out in the festive quiet.

Myth 3: Employers Aren't Interested in December Interviews

While some employers may be decking the office halls, others are still operational and might be more than willing to schedule interviews. Being active in December can put you on the radar for January opportunities.

Myth 4: Christmas Job Offers are Temporary

Don't assume that jobs secured during the festive season are just holiday flings. With the right approach and stellar performance, you could turn that seasonal role into a long-term career.


Tips for Navigating December’s Job Market:

Flexibility is Key: Be open to temporary or contract roles. They might serve as stepping stones to permanent positions or offer valuable experience.

Network during Festive Gatherings: The holiday season brings a plethora of parties and gatherings. Utilise these opportunities to network in a relaxed atmosphere. Remember, casual conversations can sometimes lead to unexpected job referrals.

Stay Persistent: While responses from companies might be slower during the holidays, don't be discouraged. Maintain your search momentum and follow up as necessary.

Prepare for a Quick Start: Companies hiring in December may require immediate starts. Be ready for a potentially swift transition if an opportunity arises.

Stay Active Online: Leverage social media and job platforms. Engage with industry professionals, participate in discussions, and stay updated with the latest job postings.

Tailor Your Approach: Use the extra time to carefully tailor your applications. Align your skills and experiences with the job requirements to make each application count.

Utilise Extra Time Productively: If you find yourself with some free time over Christmas, use it wisely. Research companies, fine-tune your job search strategies, or enhance your skills with online courses.

Finding it hard to get a job around Christmas time?

Feeling like your job search is stuck in a loop during the festive season? Going around in circles with applications and interviews, with the door to your next opportunity feeling out of reach? It might be the perfect time to team up with Heritage PS Recruitment Consultants.

Consider us your job search elves, merrily cheering you on, offering advice with a sprinkle of expertise, and helping you refine your professional toolkit by amplifying strengths and conquering weaknesses. Sometimes, all you need is a touch of professional insight—a guiding light for your job search, illuminating the path to your next exciting opportunity.

The job search journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and December is a unique checkpoint. So, embrace the festive spirit, stay persistent, and who knows? You might find yourself ringing in the New Year with a new job offer in hand.


Your career sleigh is loaded with potential – let December be the month you ride it to success!